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692.40 Gb transferred since Tuesday 28 February 2006.
233,666,835 hits.
January 20254.71 Gb4922986
December 202410.62 Gb116554712
November 202411.48 Gb153700011
October 202411.50 Gb138678712
September 202413.24 Gb174871915
August 20246.68 Gb118804712
July 20245.31 Gb100079613
June 20244.38 Gb91668511
May 20243.84 Gb59685117
April 20244.29 Gb62930214
March 20243.29 Gb56656615
February 20242.76 Gb52548016
January 20243.52 Gb58780121
December 20234.09 Gb57631116
November 20232.94 Gb47066715
October 20232.79 Gb52504917
September 20232.97 Gb48542414
August 20233.78 Gb46340518
July 20232.82 Gb45604721
June 20232.68 Gb45840819
May 20233.11 Gb42402319
April 20232.64 Gb41679818
March 20232.02 Gb46661825
February 20231.50 Gb40421123
January 20232.14 Gb58184924
December 20222.40 Gb52681026
November 20221.70 Gb46584021
October 20221.93 Gb54802623
September 20222.34 Gb53865329
August 20222.19 Gb55090926
July 20222.24 Gb57811726
June 20222.30 Gb54786323
May 20222.17 Gb56878825
April 20222.14 Gb54127527
March 20222.40 Gb65986633
February 20221.99 Gb49344928
January 20222.00 Gb49765130
December 20212.25 Gb53786038
November 20212.26 Gb53460337
October 20212.58 Gb87059631
September 20212.10 Gb62268636
August 20212.03 Gb47955933
July 20211.84 Gb48849434
June 20212.31 Gb68751035
May 20212.21 Gb64968536
April 20211.57 Gb48039134
March 20212.05 Gb54740836
February 20212.42 Gb74241844
January 20212.36 Gb57259844
December 20202.59 Gb68476936
November 20202.52 Gb70633850
October 20202.40 Gb69437052
September 20201.70 Gb51069753
August 20201.68 Gb49512161
July 20201.54 Gb41997355
June 20201.49 Gb42261460
May 20202.12 Gb64975081
April 20202.08 Gb59394662
March 20201.88 Gb56935046
February 20201.63 Gb45243532
January 20201.72 Gb49082133
December 20191.76 Gb53359924
November 20191.81 Gb51835232
October 20191.46 Gb52716236
September 20191.97 Gb79644041
August 20191.76 Gb52869441
July 20192.33 Gb121772134
June 20191.92 Gb90910634
May 20191.40 Gb41185943
April 20191.42 Gb53722733
March 20191.55 Gb55141639
February 20191.36 Gb47660038
January 20191.38 Gb42186235
December 20181.38 Gb49921942
November 20181.45 Gb48723036
October 20181.48 Gb45521939
September 20181.20 Gb34760941
August 20181.73 Gb62635744
July 20181.49 Gb45894943
June 20181.51 Gb52766739
May 20181.89 Gb85211438
April 20182.16 Gb87215458
March 20182.11 Gb74042554
February 20181.74 Gb53552845
January 20181.77 Gb57101545
December 20171.87 Gb67040359
November 20171.72 Gb57462260
October 20171.84 Gb65572351
September 20171.62 Gb52752350
August 20171.66 Gb60035353
July 20171.97 Gb78044957
June 20173.50 Gb131911359
May 20172.14 Gb81329367
April 20171.33 Gb45315366
March 20171.31 Gb43912169
February 20171.72 Gb66708478
January 20171.36 Gb50391177
December 20163.28 Gb136189273
November 2016781.88 Mb30359878
October 2016689.66 Mb28196376
September 2016940.93 Mb39304880
August 2016977.41 Mb35688191
July 20161.36 Gb382917101
June 20161.77 Gb37695589
May 20161.80 Gb56184681
April 20161.46 Gb40463197
March 20161.35 Gb422009100
February 20161.48 Gb46034897
January 20161.06 Gb30490889
December 20151.00 Gb28087376
November 20151.12 Gb40159597
October 20151021.86 Mb31307391
September 20151.08 Gb40017184
August 20151.24 Gb47284294
July 20151.29 Gb494502102
June 20151.02 Gb374553102
May 20151.18 Gb429194105
April 20151.24 Gb46628498
March 20151.27 Gb487143115
February 20151.45 Gb612861115
January 20151.58 Gb605763111
December 20141.77 Gb689038117
November 20141.93 Gb809416136
October 20141.70 Gb648398130
September 20142.00 Gb820076150
August 20141.13 Gb544604115
July 2014848.29 Mb423503110
June 20141.34 Gb594597112
May 20141.12 Gb489522115
April 20141.61 Gb709369120
March 20141.23 Gb630078146
February 20141.35 Gb640516119
January 20141.58 Gb803369135
December 20131.40 Gb678355149
November 20131.73 Gb715724152
October 20131.13 Gb538406150
September 20131.25 Gb606078173
August 20132.13 Gb1004573196
July 20132.15 Gb968044192
June 20131.74 Gb762112163
May 20131.81 Gb772158166
April 20131.52 Gb617110176
March 20132.15 Gb931473193
February 20131.92 Gb775490177
January 20131.97 Gb804592203
December 20122.30 Gb927507198
November 20122.66 Gb961631218
October 20123.22 Gb1081108189
September 20123.50 Gb1204191226
August 20123.36 Gb1206072202
July 20124.08 Gb1407931219
June 20123.99 Gb1347584236
May 20124.11 Gb1433432259
April 20124.16 Gb1388299279
March 20124.08 Gb1366419275
February 20124.03 Gb1472055244
January 20123.95 Gb1325264248
December 20113.73 Gb1389983249
November 20112.74 Gb1166383268
October 20113.12 Gb1310914294
September 20112.60 Gb1088329309
August 20112.31 Gb1014174310
July 20112.36 Gb1006701309
June 20112.59 Gb1079145290
May 20112.37 Gb982355321
April 20112.69 Gb1126714341
March 20112.14 Gb904426322
February 20111.99 Gb825343301
January 20112.41 Gb940594321
December 20102.28 Gb885082331
November 20102.52 Gb945548323
October 20103.28 Gb1238234362
September 20103.23 Gb1245878369
August 20103.29 Gb1298059371
July 20103.53 Gb1401424332
June 20104.09 Gb1633299355
May 20103.93 Gb1588254380
April 20103.79 Gb1541351391
March 20104.76 Gb1896289437
February 20103.98 Gb1527992382
January 20103.81 Gb1532548416
December 20093.33 Gb1378145378
November 20096.83 Gb2717408597
October 20095.22 Gb2018811475
September 20095.64 Gb2153477513
August 20097.16 Gb2742023588
July 20096.23 Gb2399562599
June 20096.39 Gb2555393627
May 20096.32 Gb2534520599
April 20097.77 Gb3097189649
March 20096.55 Gb2535007612
February 20095.06 Gb1986090558
January 20096.59 Gb2554010530
December 20086.32 Gb2396470526
November 20085.88 Gb2211653537
October 20086.97 Gb2660003652
September 20085.26 Gb2019060584
August 20084.39 Gb1776433598
July 20085.29 Gb2123958631
June 20087.53 Gb3022407663
May 20086.46 Gb2656838644
April 20087.43 Gb3026552678
March 20087.64 Gb3093154703
February 20085.19 Gb2085052611
January 20085.84 Gb2404619654
December 20075.11 Gb2111866657
November 20075.10 Gb2069384659
October 20075.49 Gb2205348699
September 20075.35 Gb2023233690
August 20075.42 Gb2215699702
July 20075.56 Gb2234703726
June 20076.10 Gb2446795753
May 20075.69 Gb2305505874
April 20076.22 Gb2413113654
March 20077.99 Gb3080460620
February 20075.45 Gb2067748525
January 20076.33 Gb2454550479
December 20064.65 Gb1882575412
November 20064.61 Gb1945926434
October 20064.00 Gb1704609400
September 20063.50 Gb1459096384
August 20063.29 Gb1461900360
July 20062.42 Gb1134238328
June 20063.32 Gb1552405320
May 20063.09 Gb1531300310
April 20062.32 Gb1196151247
March 2006955.72 Mb506408132
February 20061.43 Mb6002
( * Number of users shown in table above are number of active users who connected with ftlog accounts (i.e. non-guests). They are not necessarily active subscribers to this forum.
User Traffic (February 2016)

 UserBandwidth UsedHits 
1Daniel Bouchard (dexter249)5.83 Mb2568
2garbage collector (swooperproop)5.38 Mb3026
3POW! (bigjpow)5.35 Mb2696
4Tim Johnson (tim1516)4.82 Mb2669
5Pietje Precies (nobody)4.69 Mb2580
6Tom Hartley (sennaesque)4.16 Mb2257
7Dug Hanson (dughanson)3.92 Mb1980
8Maclayne Linnett (ml888)3.73 Mb1733
9Greg Rowbotham (yamma)3.38 Mb1694
10Paul Mcadam (paulmcadam)3.13 Mb1921
11Gonzalo Armenteros (michaelcort)2.74 Mb1402
12Joe Petrafassi (fazzibear)2.73 Mb1518
13Bernie (qman)2.68 Mb1090
14steve (aunini)2.26 Mb996
15Scott Gull (kosmic22)2.22 Mb915
16Chris Dunstan (dunzy)2.00 Mb938
17kirk musto (kirkus182)1.83 Mb829
18Aristotle (nohipocrisy)1.51 Mb885
19paul gauthier (paulgtr)1.37 Mb778
20Stefan Van der Kooi (stefanvdkooi)1.37 Mb628
21Ben (benalin)1.28 Mb706
22Adam Foster (13afoster)1.12 Mb637
23Norbert Gero (norby2k4)1.09 Mb530
24Paul Rademaker (poalala)1.08 Mb552
25Geoff Burts (rathen)1.06 Mb470
26Frazer Tranter (petercrouch)1.05 Mb384
27Peter Lind (stimog)1006.72 Kb481
28Mohammed Elias (mo11)983.85 Kb455
29Marcel Schot (neuronix)814.08 Kb481
30Craig Steele (steely)803.17 Kb384
31Not In Use Innit (csf)795.56 Kb364
32Marco Guarda (markituh)769.13 Kb391
33Brandon Proctor (bproctor)735.44 Kb317
34Roland McFly (rolandf1)726.17 Kb393
35James Gaze (mrusername)659.07 Kb354
36Maciek Laskowski (macio)651.85 Kb276
37Erx Abel (erx)635.57 Kb435
38Alders (alders)630.14 Kb318
39Nathan Lowe (couger1981)610.71 Kb320
40Paul Isom (paww2k)608.98 Kb394
41Geoff Wells (lvanderpool)533.26 Kb230
42Bram Degrave (mousti)515.44 Kb261
43Mike Strangfeld (markinsand)510.85 Kb309
44Auf ~TnT~ (auftnt)490.63 Kb242
45William Tolvanen (wingsman001)489.35 Kb290
46Augusto Fernandez (augusto)362.22 Kb204
47Matt Yaroslavsky (whathappend)349.65 Kb210
48Jacob Parker (jvp22)345.63 Kb146
49Andrew Potter (andrewpotter)338.35 Kb153
50Oguzhan Toprakci (toprakci)296.50 Kb158
51Christophe van Houtte (krystoff)296.12 Kb146
52Lars Arnesen (klofm)295.71 Kb163
53Camilo Miranda (tagliani77)291.80 Kb172
54Vito Diepstraten (vitosenna)281.59 Kb112
55TPB (extreme333)281.05 Kb152
56Mark Roberts (mroberts26)279.20 Kb161
57Gabriel Almeida (gabrielsales)264.04 Kb157
5813 31 (jotruba)249.32 Kb118
59Mike Aurilio (estaban)229.74 Kb134
60Dawid Pytel (dasqez)218.09 Kb104
61yxxxx (yxxxx)205.71 Kb105
62Olivier Demers (shawa)202.81 Kb122
63Paul Jones (bananaphone)199.75 Kb73
64Adam Wenborn (azza369)189.25 Kb83
65James Matthews (sullivangate)186.61 Kb99
66Tor Graves (torgraves)183.52 Kb117
67Willi Wutz (wwutz)181.52 Kb112
68Adam Copeland (deadhand)177.09 Kb87
69Josh Wood (esquire47)171.21 Kb87
70Martin Caamaño (tinchox09)168.59 Kb92
71P Skoc (petarskoc)146.31 Kb66
72Benedict Schnyder (forzaminardi)131.17 Kb67
73Yuri Laszlo (dexterjau3)130.63 Kb74
74Lottie Robertson (pwaa)117.83 Kb65
75Mohamed Azkar (raphy)115.05 Kb69
76Lincoln Braun (umbrau44)114.24 Kb63
77Sam Johnston (sammon)114.12 Kb69
78Florian Zametzer (holydiver95)108.42 Kb70
79Ron Campbell (ilracefan)108.06 Kb66
80John Allen (franjo22)105.69 Kb61
81Devashish Gopalan (gdevashish)98.36 Kb58
82J L (jmlima)97.79 Kb58
83Scott Swanson (crazypsycho)96.72 Kb56
84Max Kebab (trattore95)93.37 Kb48
85Simon Potter (spotter5)79.74 Kb51
86Stavros Kontos (flapora)78.13 Kb47
87Mike Tiano (sniper919)70.38 Kb45
88Jacob Reid (nuclearz)67.26 Kb41
89Typhoid Raj (therev)28.67 Kb16
90almightywiggles (mrflibble)17.58 Kb9
91Steven Tiberius Meacham (potentate)14.80 Kb10
92Matheus Berçot (mattpetty)5.81 Kb3
93Ankit Jain (anky2cool)4.67 Kb2
94Billy Hickey (billybop123)4.64 Kb3
95Michael Grandy (mgrandy)2.85 Kb2
96Jim Norton (jimnorton)1.77 Kb1
Data correct to 93 seconds ago. Click on a user to show their bandwidth history.
ftlog and Bandwidth

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